OMRON CJ2 Series Introduction

CJ2 CPU Units provide all of this: Higher data memory capacity, Multifunctional Ethernet port, Tag access and USB port.

The CJ2 is the result of years of experience as market leader in the field of modular controllers and represents a logical next step in controller design. It offers greater performance and faster I/O response as well as extreme scalability – so you will only need one family. In addition, programming, debugging and networking are faster and easier. Welcome to the new CJ2 Family: built to give you innovation without growing pains.

Although CJ2 is a can directly replace any CJ1 CPU, it offers the following additional significant advantages:

> Open to the world

Data communication is via standard Ethernet port with EtherNet/IP Data Link function.

> Advanced motion control

CJ2 units offer multi-axes synchronous control, and can replace expensive motion controllers.

> High-speed

Faster program execution and immediate I/O refreshing enables flexible machine control.

> Learn one, know them all

Thanks to the wide variety of CPUs with consistent architecture across all PLC families, you only need to learn one, and you will know them all.

> Highly flexible

Adapt the PLC to your needs with the wide variety of compatible CJ1 Family I/O units (nearly 100).

Basic System

Configuration Units